Full Name | Company: | Job Title |
Nickolas Saldivar | NAI Pence Capital | Investments Partner |
Arie Salomon | NAI Puget Sound Properties | Principal |
Kimberlee Sample | NAI Black | President |
Chris Santana | NAI Pence Capital | (not set) |
Xavier Santana | NAI Pence Capital | CEO |
Tabitha Satterfield | Biproxi | Head of Growth |
Wally Sauthoff | NAI Greywolf | Managing Director |
Richard Schaefer | NAI Ruhl Commercial Co. | Sales Manager |
Ryan Schaefer | NAI Affinity | CEO |
Kyle Schipper | NAI Puget Sound Properties | (not set) |
Nelson Schneider | NAI Nashville Stanton Group | Advisor |
Todd Schneidewind | NAI NP Dodge | (not set) |
Nikolaus Schroth | NAI Southcoast | Principal - Broker of Record |
Rachel Schroth | (not set) | (not set) |
Eli Schwartz | NAI Charter Real Estate | (not set) |
Mayela Scott | NAI KLNB | Director of Marketing |
Marush Sepulveda | NAI Mexico | Regional Manager |
Nikolas Sgagias | NAI CIR | Partner |
Stephen Shanahan | Lightbox | Executive Managing Director |
Douglas Sharpe | NAI Northern California | Executive Vice President |
Sheri Shattuck | (not set) | (not set) |
William Shattuck | NAI 1st Valley Realty | Qualifying Broker/General Manager |
Kelly Shaw | CoStar, LoopNet and Ten-X | Senior Sales Executive, LoopNet |
Peter Shea | NAI Nashville Stanton Group | VP |
Sarah Shelley | NAI Charleston | (not set) |
William Sherrod | NAI Charleston | (not set) |
Dex Shill | NAI Latter & Blum | Commercial Agent |
Cameron Silverstein | NAI James E. Hanson | Associate |
Michael Simpson | NAI Ohio Equities | (not set) |
Frank Slaughter | Popp Hutcheson, PLLC | Director |
Jacob Slavec | NAI 1st Valley Realty | Principal |
Shonda Slavec | (not set) | (not set) |
Cory Sleeth | NAI Global Corporate Solutions | Director |
Gordon Smith | Biproxi | CEO |
Nick Smith | NAI Earle Furman | Property Manager |
Priscilla Smith | NAI Nashville Stanton Group | Advisor |
Andrew Somple | NAI James E. Hanson | Sen VP |
Isy Sonabend | NAI Horizon | Executive Managing Director |
Sandra Soto | NAI Mexico | Marketing Director |
Jorge Sotolongo | NAI NP Dodge | (not set) |
Leiah Spanopoulos | TenantBase | Broker Operations Manager |
Brett Spitzer | NAI Global Corporate Solutions | EVP & Managing Director |
Dan Spring | NAI Spring | (not set) |
Brennan Spurrier | NAI Latter & Blum | Commercial Sales & Leasing Agent |
Steele Stanwick | NAI KLNB | (not set) |
Michele Stein | NAI Capital | (not set) |
Henry Steinberg | EQT Exeter | (not set) |
Todd Sternfeld | NAI Tri-Cities | Principal |
Deb Stevens | NAI Shames Makovsky | Operations & Marketing Director |
Chase Stewart | NAI KLNB | (not set) |